Week 15 Part A: What We Learn From Google Analytics

 I think the most beneficial features on Google Analytics for my business are: proactive insights, privacy-safe modeling, real-time reporting, acquisition reports, engagement reports, and monetization reports. I believe that most of the features that Google Analytics has to offer are all essential needs but I picked these as the ones that I'd check frequently,

Starting with proactive insights, this tool will automatically detect and surface actionable insights from my data such as important changes, new trends, and other growth opportunities. I feel that this is a feature I would be checking daily because it is very important to see how my overall social media/websites are doing as a whole. Seeing any drastic changes, whether they be improvements or set backs, can be very beneficial in me deciding on how to structure my pages or websites. If the data shows that my pages are increasing positively, then I most likely need to make little to no changes to how I'm structuring things. If the data shows a decrease in popularity, then I need to start thinking of ways to increase my viewing. In terms of new trends, this can be beneficial to my business as well because it will give me insight on what to focus the majority of  my content on.

With privacy-safe modeling, this tool will provide a more complete picture of the customers journey, enhancing my understanding of customer behavior and conversations based on the data. This will be a tool that I frequently check because it will show me exactly which parts or portions of my websites and posts are attracting the most attention. This is an amazing feature. It can teach me which parts of my website get the most clicks and maybe I can make that part more visible. Say I'm attempting to try and spotlight a different section of my website but it's not getting as much attention, I can make that portion more visible or structure it based on how well the other sections are doing. This will also help to mitigate which sections of my website are necessary and which ones are not. Having too much information can be daunting to some viewers so it'd help to get rid of unnecessary components.

Next tool is real-time reporting. This tool will monitor activity on your site as it happens. This is for sure something I would be checking very often. This allows me to see exactly how people navigate my website. If the patterns show that people are having a hard time navigating through my website then I need to come up with a way to simplify things. This is a great way for me to also see where people are looking first, what attracts people the most, as well as being able to see what information most viewers are accessing.

The next tool is acquisition reports. This tool will show me exactly how people end up on my website. This is a tool that I will be using frequently because I can pinpoint where I'm getting the most link clicks. This will teach me to focus on the platforms that aren't getting as successful link clicks. I can also make the links easier to access on the platforms that aren't getting as many link clicks.

Next up is engagement reports. This tool will help me better understand what content drives engagement. This is a tool that I will be using often because I can see exactly where the majority of my viewers are driven towards. This will help me understand how to structure my content and see what's getting the most amount of attention. I can use this to help structure my websites to drive people towards things that I want them to see in specific. See exactly where people are gravitated towards truly helps.

Last tool is monetization reports. This tool will show me how much revenue I'm earning. This a huge one to be checking out quite often. I can see exactly which membership or supplement displayed on my websites are getting the most purchases. I plan to have clothing involved with my business as well so this will also show me the revenue involved with that. This also helps for accounting reasons because I can account for exactly how much money I'm earning and see how my profit margin is. This is a great tool to have considering I need profit in order to keep my business up and running. 
