Week1 B: Social Media Use Today

 Social Media has become one of the most influential platforms for various reasons. I find myself shuffling from social media platform to social media platform just aimlessly browsing through peoples content. The way I see social media being used today is honestly fascinating. You can practically find anything through social media whether its news, memes, family or friends, and so many other things. I see social media being used for business as well as personal use.

 I see a lot of potential in terms of social media being used from a business aspect. A lot of these famous Tik Tokers or Instagram influencers have gained such a large following that they're getting paid for the content they post. Which is crazy to me. Companies also pay these influencers to post advertisements through their content which benefits both parties.The business and advertisement side of social media is so vast and unique. I'd love to eventually advertise my future business through social media because it's peoples main source of information nowadays. 

I also love seeing the personal side of social media. It's an easy way to keep in touch with friends and family without having to constantly keep in contact. If I'm ever curious as to what my friends or family members have been up to I can always look through their social media pages. I love how easy it is to keep up with people's lives. I enjoy posting my own personal life through social media as well. Sometimes old friends of mine will contact me after I post something and it always feels nice to catch up. 

I mainly use social media to promote my fitness content but I also have a personal account for my friends and family. On my fitness Instagram account I mainly post my progress, advice, motivation, and sometimes goofy things to hopefully get viewers to laugh. On my personal account I tend to post things going on in my personal life. Where I am, what I'm doing, and who I'm doing it with. Social media really is how I stay in contact with the people I've met over the years. I tend to post a lot more content on my fitness account because I eventually want to have my own gym. I want to start building a following as soon as possible so I can advertise my gym and not just walk through the door empty handed.

Overall, I use social media for personal use as well as for building my future business. I know a ton of other people use social media for the same reasons as I do. I'm very excited to see what kind of influence social media has on my future.


  1. Hey Alex! I love your thoughts on the matter regarding social media and find it so interesting reading other people's ideas since everyone kind of has a different idea about it and is able to offer something new to the matter. I enjoyed how you write about the business ways in which these platforms are using which is such a positive way of taking advantage of social media. Being able to use apps like Instagram or Twitter to promote your business is amazing. I also like how you use these platforms to promote your fitness account and use another one to post more personal things. It is very nice to meet you and I look forward to reading your blogs!

  2. Hello Alex,

    Ah... the rabbit hole that is social media. I fall down it far too often and for far too long. I find that before the "mainstream" of it, I actually had more time on my hands and accomplished so much more in my days.

    I can only image that there had been a study of procrastination of individuals before social media versus after. But as I type this I also realize... that for all those that have started to procrastinate more because of it. There is a whole other population that has started to break out more, do more, and be more due to these online communities that have been built.

    Just crazy thoughts. Where there is positive, there is negative. Where there is light, there is dark. It's very Kylo v. Rey


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