Blog Week 3 Post 1

 The first website I decided to look into is, One major problem I can see with this website is that all the information is crammed into one page. This makes it difficult for the viewer of the website to locate what they're specifically looking for. Another thing I noticed is that all of the text on this website is in bold making it seem that all of the information is important. Granted, the important things are in a different colored font to make it stand out but in my opinion it just makes the website look tacky. An additional problem I noticed with the website is the texts alignment. The text is sporadically aligned. The titles of each section are centered on the page which doesn't look bad but some of the regular context is aligned in the center as well. This leaves some of the text dangling at the bottom of each section making it look funky. This website does not come across as well designed. The first thing I thought of when I saw this website is, "This looks like a typical scam website". I'm sure there are other people that have viewed this website and had the same thought. Not a very welcoming first impression. This website has a lot of changes that need to be made. They should space out the information into different links that lead you to exactly what you're looking for instead of cramming it all on one page. This makes it so much easier for the viewer to navigate the website. Another topic this website should improve on is all of the colorful text. It does make the information stand out to the viewer but at an excessive amount. All of the colorful text makes it hard to read the information and concentrate. Especially with it already being difficult enough to navigate the website. 

The second website I wanted to critique is, One problem I can see at first glance is that there's no logo. Especially not being located at the top left portion of the page. This makes the company behind this website seem unprofessional. Also tying in with the logo not being present, you have to scroll down to find the link to their Facebook and email address. This makes it difficult for viewers to locate this companies social media and email. This ties in with the logo not being present because for the website to be sufficient and welcoming, the logo should be at the top left corner and the links to social media/email should be towards the top as well. An additional problem with this website is located on the left hand side. There are so many links cluttered together and sporadically aligned. This not only makes the website seem even less professional but it also shows them using little to no effort. If they can't even put effort into a website then what's to say they can put effort into supplying quality parts and service. This website is terribly designed. It's not welcoming, very cluttered, and difficult to navigate. There are many improvements this website should implement. A major change that needs to be addressed is the difficulty to navigate. This would make it less frustrating for viewers to find exactly what they are looking for. If they are unable to locate it fairly quick then the viewer may get frustrated and find a different company to look into. That is a big thing considering you want your customers to keep coming back.

Moving on to the presentable websites. The first one I had a very good first impression of is, This website is beautifully made. I think the colors are very warm and welcoming in the eyes of the viewer. The logo is very easy to find. Different links to find exactly what the viewer is looking for are also easily visible. All these points make the company look very professional and trustworthy. As previously stated, this website is well designed because it's professional, easy to navigate, and very welcoming. The use of design and aesthetic on this website impacted my reaction positively. Overall a very pleasing and well executed website. I would honestly go as far as saying this website was done perfectly. 

An additional website that caught my eye is, Being as popular as Apple is I expected them to have a presentable website and they do. Their website is very easy to navigate, has a really clean look, as well as being welcoming to the eye. Their website is well designed because of these points. All of the links to find exactly what the viewer is looking for are all located at the top of the page. Along with the companies logo. I also like that they added a search option as a link just incase the viewer is having trouble finding what they're looking for. The bottom portion of the first page is just a little bit cluttered but still very easy to navigate and read. Apple's use of design and aesthetic impacted my reaction positively. I love the darker tone theme of websites, as I said in our first assignment about our blog's theme. It makes me feel welcomed and not overwhelmed with colors popping out at me left and right. Overall, the website for Apple is extremely professional and well sectioned, as expected. 

In conclusion, I learned a lot in regards to the impact on the viewer from a well designed and aesthetically pleasing website. Taking a look into these websites showed me how much a first impression really means. Some of the websites I looked into caught my eye in a negative way. This made me feel not welcomed and gave off untrustworthy vibes. On the contrary, some websites gave me a very pleasing first impression. The positive first impression made me feel welcomed and trusting towards the company. Also the websites that were very easy to navigate looked much more pleasing. This gave me a lot of insight on how I would want to structure my future business' website. Overall, I really enjoyed this assignment and the information that it provided me with.


  1. Hey Alex! I thought you did a great job with your analysis and I really agree with everything you were saying. I think that a poorly designed website has everything crammed into one like you said and it can be hard to find what you're specifically looking for one some of these. I like how when you found websites you enjoyed the colors and display spoke to you. I feel very similar to this in that when I click on a new website I want it to immediately pop and not feel like it's some sketchy fake website. Overall I enjoyed your analysis and agree with what you were saying! Great job.


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