Week 4 Part B: Defining My Target Market

 I'm choosing to do my assignment on a fictitious business of mine. My fictitious business is a gym. Still deciding on a permanent name but for now I'll call it, "Dark Sided Strength". My target market will be gym goers looking for a no judgment zone, people looking for certain equipment that most gyms lack, as well as people who are new to the gym lifestyle. I also want to make it a place where fitness influencers can create content at my gym. This helps a lot with publicity as well as making it a friendly environment. I'm somewhat basing my target audience on myself. For me, a lot of gyms in San Diego lack the equipment that would satisfy any experienced gym goer. I know this for a fact because I go to a Crunch Fitness and a lot of the members, Including myself, are all trying to get the gym to buy certain equipment. Same kind of concept for people just barely getting their foot in the door in the fitness community. I want to create an environment where the experienced can help out the inexperienced without feeling judged. I can base my "Perfect Customer" off of myself. I know exactly what a lot of people are looking for when they want to try out a new gym. I plan to incorporate all of my pros and cons that I've noticed through other gyms to create the perfect first impression on clients. I can think of many ways to promote my business so I'm very excited for the upcoming assignments!
