Week 5 Part B: Learning about Facebook date collecting

 Post reach and post engagement are two very important tools on Facebook. Post reach is important because it helps your posts reach a certain audience that may be interested in your specific business. This is a very easy way to get your business' name known by people looking for specifically what your business has to offer. Post engagement is also equally as important. It shows the creator of the post if the viewers are liking, sharing, or commenting on it. This helps the creator see how many people have viewed the post and see how many of those viewers are either liking or commenting on it. The creator can then compare posts and see which ones are getting the most likes or comments. If a lot of similar posts are getting the most likes or comments then the creator should continue to make posts similar to those. 

When looking at post reach and post engagement feedback, the creator can learn a lot. You can learn how well your content is reaching your specific target audience as well as how well your posts are doing. If you're not reaching your target audience then maybe you'll have to play around with your settings a bit or your page's information so that the page is geared towards certain viewers. If you continuously post things that are getting a lot of likes and comments then you know you're doing something right. Say you decide to switch it up a bit and your likes/comments ratio goes down. That tells you that you should continue to post the content that gets you the most positive attention. 

Insights can also help the business serve and meet their customers needs. If people are commenting a lot and asking the same sort of questions then maybe you should be adding the answers to those questions somewhere on your page that'll stand out. That would help with no longer receiving the same sort of questions over and over again. You can also easily see if a customer is leaving a negative comment which should be taken care of as soon as possible. If the business is receiving similar negative comments then the business can resolve and fix whatever issues are at hand. It's a great tool to use when you are trying to keep customer satisfaction as quality as you can. 

In my personal opinion, these tools are a huge help for a creator. I usually do my personal posting on Instagram which also shows you insights on your posts. It really helps me see how many people are viewing my posts and how many of those viewers are leaving a like or comment. It's a different story when it comes to insights on a business page. You have to take those insights and feedback into consideration a lot more. Obviously you want your business to be seen by as many eyes as possible and to be getting nothing but positive attention and feedback. Seeing exactly what viewers like is a great way to attract even more viewers. Overall, a very important and helpful tool to be using. 

Pages I liked and commented on:

1. Megan McDonell

2. Towa Mizuno

3. Kristy Yam
