Week 6 Part A: Engaging Your Customers - Facebook Strategy

 1. Zoo Culture Gym

The first Facebook page I decided to look into and like is Zoo Culture. I chose this business because it is a very well known gym in the fitness community. The Facebook page for Zoo Culture has a lot of posts that consist of showing off their brand (Raw Gear), the deals for this brand, pictures of their influencers, and motivational captions. I wouldn't necessarily say that these posts are well written, more that they are simple and straight to the point. They mainly use pictures on each post but they do have a few older posts that are videos. I can learn that they keep their posts short and simple mainly to get their point across which in my opinion is the way to go. I can also learn that the pictures on each post are very high quality which definitely stands out in a positive way. They seem to not get many comments on their posts so I'd say their customer engagement is very low.

2. YoungLA

The second Facebook page I decided to check out is YoungLA. I chose thus business to look into because it's a popular brand for fitness clothing. The Facebook page has many posts that show off their upcoming clothes as well as the athletes that represent their brand. I would say that these posts are well written but again they are short and to the point. They use mainly pictures showing off their clothes but there are some posts of videos as well. I can learn that they use very professional photography, just like Zoo Culture does. I can also learn that they are very persistent with new clothes coming out and always showcase them for multiple days before they actually come out. They too seem to not get any comments on Facebook so one would assume that there is no customer engagement but I know for a fact that they do interact with clients.

3. Bucked Up

The third Facebook page I decided to look at is Bucked Up. I chose to look into them because they are a supplement and clothing brand that is well known in the fitness world. The Facebook page for Bucked Up has multiple posts that market their supplements, clothes, deals that are on the way, and products that are also coming soon. There is a lot more writing in the captions of these posts and they are well written. They post a good ratio of videos and pictures of their product. I can learn that they are very adamant about making their upcoming products a priority but also having posts with high quality pictures. Their posts have a lot more comments and their customer engagement is sub par. They only reply to one or two comments every couple posts. Definite improvement needed on that but I can still learn a lot from them.

4. Kill Crew

The fourth Facebook page I wanted to check out is Kill Crew. I wanted to look into their page because they are a somewhat known fitness clothing brand but definitely not as popular as most. Their Facebook page has many posts of pictures showing off their clothes but I was surprised to see them post about mental health as well. A lot of their captions are longer than the other brands but they are written well. Sometimes it seems like a bit too much writing because they explain their products in detail but some people are interested in that information. They only post pictures of their products and mental health advice but don't post any videos. I can learn some quality things from their posts such as how they branch off and post about mental health which has been a trending topic recently. This shows that they care about their customers. They are also pretty consistent about replying to comments. 

5. Gorilla Mind

The fifth Facebook page I was interested in is Gorilla Mind. I was interested in their page because they are an extremely well known supplement brand in the fitness community. Their Facebook page has a lot of posts showing off their products and the ambassadors that represent them. Their captions are very short and get straight to the point but they are written well. They have a very nice ratio between posting pictures and posting videos. One thing I've learned from looking into their page are that they are very educated when it comes to their products and make sure that customers are educated as well. This is a very nice attribute to have as a company. They don't seem to have much customer engagement but when the comments are a question they seem to always reply which is a good thing.

6. Inaka Power

The sixth Facebook page I looked into is Inaka Power. They are a really popular clothing and gym accessory brand which caught my attention. The Facebook page hasn't posted since July 19th and have very little posts prior to that. Their posts are only about showing off their products. Their captions aren't well written in my opinion because they use too many emojis and don't seem to explain their products very well.  They don't have any video posts and have very little photos to market their product. There isn't much to learn from the Facebook page other than that if they want to get as popular as other companies then they need to improve on their social media attention. They have no visible customer engagement which also isn't a very good look. I can learn from their mistakes.

7. Equinox

The seventh and final Facebook page I really wanted to check out is Equinox. Equinox is a local gym in La Costa, CA that is known for being a high end gym. The Facebook page is very consistent about posting. They mainly post pictures that show their gym and the products that they work with and rarely post videos. Most of their captions are short and to the point which is a reoccurring theme for these pages but they have posts with longer captions that are written exceptionally. They actually gave me a lot of things to take in and learn from. They are very professional when it comes to their captions and pictures as well as working closely with other brands. I think this is very smart to do because it's a win win situation for both companies because they're both getting necessary advertisement. They also have their own hashtag slogan which I think is an amazing idea as well. Definitely glad I decided to check out their page. 
