Week 7 Part B: How Other Businesses Use Instagram

 The first Instagram business page I wanted to look into is Mcdonalds. I wanted to look into their Instagram because every one knows what Mcdonalds is so I wanna see what kind of posts they create. The way Mcdonalds uses Instagram is a little bit different than I expected. They seem to mainly post pictures showing upcoming events/deals, memes about Mcdonalds, and only a couple of videos. It does seem effective for them but their main source of advertisement isn't necessarily social media. Their use of Instagram is far different from mine. My Instagram page is more geared towards advertising my gym and trying to promote it as much as possible. This is expected though because like I said, everyone knows what Mcdonalds is. 

The second Instagram page I wanted to look into is an account called, "hicks_exterior_accents". They are a service based business for gates, decks, patio covers, and cladding. I wanted to look into them because they are no where near as popular as Mcdonalds.  Right off the bat I can see some major comparisons. Hicks focusses a lot on advertising the work that they have done for their clientele. They mainly post pictures but they do have one video. If I were them I'd post a lot more videos of the projects that they complete to show as much detail as possible. Though the pictures that they take do make it seem like they're doing a great job. Their instagram is definitely more similar to mine. A lot of my posts will be advertising like theirs. Another similarity is how they post about the jobs they complete, I want to post clients that come in looking for a transformation and post the before and after results. That's actually another thing that Hicks should post, a before and after comparison picture of their work. It does seem like what they're doing is effective for them as they do have a bunch of pictures of their work. 

I didn't necessarily learn anything from looking into these two pages other than that smaller pages are more focused on advertising themselves. Bigger businesses already have the popularity and don't need to focus so much on marketing themselves. Although looking into Hicks' Instagram page it gave me the idea of posting my gym clients before and after transformation pictures (with their permission of course). It was interesting to see the difference in a big businesses Instagram compared to a smaller businesses Instagram. 

First classmate's Instagram page I'm looking into is Megan McDonell's. Her page is North County Fam. She is in fact using Instagram differently than I am. She mainly posts about different affordable locations for families in San Diego. Mainly advertising other businesses rather than her own. I think it's a great idea! https://www.instagram.com/northcountyfam/

Second classmate's Instagram Page I'm looking into is Towa Mizuno's. The page is Suzuken04. They are using instagram somewhat similar to me. They seem to want to advertise their clothing and get some ideas from their viewers. I'm sure once they get their own ideas they'll be posting their products kind of like me. Mainly based on advertising themselves and getting as much positive feedback from their viewers as they can. Very excited to see what kind of clothes they come up with! https://www.instagram.com/suzuken04/

Third and final classmate's Instagram page I'm checking out is Kristy Yam's. The page is encinitasdonuts. Their page is also fairly similar to mine as they mainly post advertisements about their donuts. They have posts showing off the donuts they have in store as well as a post that show their store's hours. I think it'd be a good idea for them to have posts showing off their most popular donuts. I can see that a lot of the classmate's pages I'm looking into are all about advertising themselves which is what I expected since these are all smaller or fictional businesses. Donuts look so delicious! https://www.instagram.com/encinitasdonuts/
