Week 9 Part B: Using Categories

 The first category that I would focus on through either blog/vlog/podcast or webinar would be talking about why my gym is different from the rest. I would focus on letting viewers/readers know that there's absolutely no judgment at Dark Sided Strength. I'd ensure to make my clients feel "at home" as soon as they step foot into my facility. I'd go about this by explaining via vlog, blog, or podcast that there are certain policies and procedures that my staff and I follow to make sure our members are following along with the rules set in place of no judgement. There would obviously be other rules as well but I know this is a big one for people that are timid to go to the gym. This would help my business grow because it should give viewers an ease of mind that if there is any kind of judgement made towards them, then my team and I will take immediate action. 

The second category that I would focus on is to educate viewers/readers on why I do what I do and what my personal goals are for Dark Sided Strength. Some people enjoy things that are a bit more personal and others don't. I'm certain that the loyal members of my community would enjoy hearing the backstory about my business. My goals behind this would be to target the audience that's looking for something that's "more than a gym" which is also my little slogan. I know this would reach that targeted audience because I know of a lot of people in San Diego that wish we had a gym here that compares to some of the other popular ones in other states. This would help my business grow because it would give viewers a more personal side of things that they might relate to and will hopefully cause them to look into Dark Sided Strength more. 

The third category that I would focus on would be more of a Q&A (Question and Answer). I know a lot of people have questions whether it is about pricing, deals, equipment, etc.. My goal behind this is to be as transparent as possible and free peoples minds of unanswered questions. I personally enjoy watching Q&A videos because it's cool to see the creator interact with their viewers. I'm sure this would also give my viewers peace of mind because I know a lot of gyms have certain policies like a no cancelation refund which in my opinion is an ultimate scam so I could hopefully answer off some questions related to that. There would be a ton of other questions that I can hopefully answer but my main goal would be to clear up any kind of negative thoughts. This would help my business grow because people like to see transparency when they have a membership towards something with no secrets or strings attached. This would build trust between my business and my clients.

Posts I commented on:

1. Megan McDonell

2. Towa Mizuno

3. Kristy Yam
