Week 11 Part B: Marketing with Other Social Media Comments

1. Pablo Correa

2. Megan McDonell

3. Sarah Mitulski

4. Carlos Palacios

I read a lot of cool things regarding my classmates different views towards different social media platforms. Three of my classmates blogs said that they think TikTok would be the most beneficial social media platform to help grow their business and I totally agree. TikTok is the most popular social media at the moment. On the other hand though, I don't necessarily disagree with Carlos and how he wrote his blog about Twitter. I believe that you should have as many social media accounts as possible in order to target as many people as you can. Some business could greatly benefit from TikTok even though it may not mainly reach the intended target audience, such as Megan's business. Her business is mainly targeting families and most TikTok users are young adults or teenagers. It was super cool to see that Pablo looked into and researched some statistics behind TikToks main users as well. Hopefully I gave Sarah some confidence by letting her know that I've seen Joe Rogan TikToks pop up on my for you page and that made me want to check him out. What's to say the same thing couldn’t happen to her or better yet, all of us.

I honestly expected most of my group members to pick TikTok. I assume we're all around the same age and for college students, 99% of us have a TikTok account. I think we all understand how easy and not complicated it is to go viral via TikTok.  The hardest part is trying to come up with content that's unique or try and adapt your posts around different trends that are popular. Very nice to see that my group members share a fairly similar mindset to me!
