Week 12 Part B: Business Specific Tools

 1. Carlos Palacios

2. Sarah Mitulski

3. Megan McDonell

4. Pablo Correa

I think that all of the students in my group did really amazing research. We all brought up very similar points so it's nice to know that we are all on the right track of starting/growing our business. We pretty much all picked the same platforms but I didn't write about LinkedIn, MeetUp, or Spotify. I feel that LinkedIn could benefit my business positively by allowing me to open up to more connection but in terms of the other two, I don't think they would benefit my business. But, Spotify would definitely help Sarah's business, MeetUp could help out Megan's business, LinkedIn would for sure help out Pablo's business, and Carlos' business would benefit from using TikTok in my opinion. 

In conclusion, we all have a very similar state of mind which is very comforting. All of our businesses are fairly different but Sarah and Carlos' businesses are somewhat similar. Sarah's being a podcast and Carlos' being a Twitch streamer. Both involve entertaining an audience and speaking live. The research that I read convinced me to look more into LinkedIn which now I feel would be a great platform to use in order to grow my business.
