Week 16 Part B: Building Out Your Strategy


I will be using Instagram everyday. I will be replying to comments and DM's as quickly as possible. I will be checking my insights once a day to ensure I'm posting quality content. I will also be sending my posts/reels to my story as well as post important messages or details to my story. I will do this whenever it is necessary. 

  • I will post 1 picture everyday at 12pm
    • Pictures will revolve around my clients
      • Their weight loss journey
      • Their personal records on lifts
      • Their positive comments about my business
    • My facility
      • Showing off the quality equipment
      • Showing off equipment that most gyms do not posses
      • Showing off new equipment
      • Lighting in my gym
      • Any remodels that occur
    • Updates
      • Powerlift meetings or schedules classes
      • Price or rule changes
      • New locations (hopefully)
    • Myself
      • Info about myself and my journey
      • Why I started this business
      • Why I started this lifestyle revolved around health and fitness
  • I will post one video/Reel once a day at 5pm
    • Reels will be focused on content showing off components at my facility
      • New equipment
      • New classes
      • New lighting
    • Comedic content
      • Current trends
      • Fitness related comedic videos
    • Insightful and factual content about fitness
      • Helping people understand the needs behind a healthy lifestyle
      • Quality videos expressing proper form when lifting
      • Insight on how to get started
  • I will be posting to my story when necessary
    • Story content will include updates about my gym
      • New equipment
      • New location
    • Updates about my clothing line
      • New clothing drops
      • New items
      • Collabs?
    • Upcoming events
      • Class schedule
      • Powerlift meetings
      • Upcoming body builder shows
    • Reposting people that post a picture at my facility or that are wearing my apparel
      • Show my viewers and supporters that I care for them and their support
      • Express how my facility makes my clients feel

I will be using Facebook 3 times a week. I will be updating my biography/gym information. I will be replying to comments and messages as quickly as possible. I will be advertising my other social media pages via Facebook.
  • I will post one written inspirational quote once a week
    • My hope is to catch someone's attention into looking further into my content
      • Have them looking into my Instagram and TikTok accounts
    • My hope is to inspire people to want to be better overall
      • Better person
      • More healthy (Mind and body)
      • Be influential
    • These quotes will be either things that most people can relate to or occasionally things that only certain people will relate to
      • To target a specific audience as well as the general population
      • Nothing cheesy
      • All coming from my mind and heart
    • The overall goal of this is to grasp viewers attention
  • I will post one photo once a week as well as one video once a week on a separate day
    • This will be a repost from something that I posted via Instagram
      • Make my Instagram gain more attention
    • It will be the Instagram post that got the most attention that week
      • Gain more popularity via that popular post
    • The goal behind this is to grab my Facebook viewers attention as well as hopefully have them check out my Instagram page
    • The video will be the same concept (Whichever video from my Instagram gets the most attention)

I will be using TikTok everyday. I will be posting videos at least twice a day. I will be keeping up with the trends at the time of my posts. I will also use my most popular video as the videos that I post on Instagram and Facebook.
  • Keeping up with the current trends
    • Create fitness based content relate to popular trends
      • Comedic trends
      • Influential trends
      • Starting a trend
  • Networking videos with Facebook and Instagram
    • My most popular video of the day will be my Instagram reel post
    • My most popular video of the week will be my Facebook video post
  • Reaching as much of an audience as possible
    • Not all content will be gym related
    • Some people haven't found their love for fitness yet
      • Try and reach anyone who may want to look into fitness
      • Target people who are scared or nervous of factors related to the gym
    • Make it very apparent that my gym has a zero judgment policy
      • Make sure people understand that my gym is a safe place for anybody
  • Using as many features as possible
    • Joey Swole
      • Joey Swole makes content based on making the gym culture a more positive thing
        • He respectfully replies to TikToks that are making fun of people inside or outside of the gym
        • Keep all content positive and reach people with the same sort of mindset as him and myself
    • Stitch
      • Stitch popular videos
        • Comedic videos
        • Videos responding to vulgar bullying (Like Joey Swoll's content)
        • Videos involving my business/facility/clothing
    • Duet
      • Duet content that is insightful
      • Content that involves my business
      • Content that I feel my viewers would enjoy or learn from


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